
About the DMP

The German Mobility Award aims to advance mobility with data and people

  • by activating the potential of digitalization and the commitment of citizens who master current challenges and by doing so are already thinking about tomorrow.
  • by focussing on projects and people that inspire.
  • by encouraging imitation of good practice examples.
  • by offering a stage to everyone who ventures to do great things.

For whom is the DMP intended?

Viable mobility is created by people for people. Whether experts in the digital mobility sector or committed citizens with a glimpse into everyday challenges – everyone is equally invited to participate in the DMP.

Become an applicant, recommender, juror, or voter – and help us shape mobility that’s fit for the future.

DMP Timeline

Until August 31, 2022

Apply with a project

From June to August 2022

Participate in the application coaching

On September 15, 2022

Get to know the longlist

From September 15 to October 15, 2022

Participate in the audience voting

On October 26, 2022

Fingers crossed that your favorite person or project wins at the jury session

On October 27, 2022

Join the live award ceremony in Berlin